Addressing & Combatting Compassion Fatigue
As a community, we are supporting one another during a difficult time, one often marked by local and global crises that unfold at such an unforgiving pace we are unable to fully handle one event before gathering strength to confront the next. We as helping professionals are often called upon to support healing amidst instances of unimaginable violence, human loss, and grief. This often-cyclical nature can make finding time to reacclimate or find our own footing difficult.
There are significant differences between the role of the individual instructor (being a trusted mentor for students), and the role of the institution (creating a well-resourced educational environment for learners and instructors) as we work together to promote a culture that offsets compassion fatigue. Robust administrative support, resourcing, and staffing are all foundational to practicing a healing-centered approach at the institutional level. They are also critical tools for assisting instructors in the practice of self-care, and implementing appropriate limits to offset the effects of compassion fatigue and avoid burnout.