Faculty Projects & Opportunities

DU CIPR cultivates and showcases research and creative work on migration that provides opportunities for students, builds bridges across campus, offers analysis to policy-makers, and collaborates directly with community partners.


CIPR Funded Projects & Opportunities

Once per year, CIPR offers competitive seed grants for faculty called Semillas Grants intended to foster transformative projects that connect faculty across units, involve students, and collaborate directly with community partners. We prioritize projects that center community-driven needs and/or address one of our three pillars related to migration.

Calls for grant proposals are disseminated every Fall quarter. Although grant recipients must be full-time DU faculty, community partners are encouraged to email us with requests and we will identify potential collaborators based on the nature of the project.

2023 Application

Highlighted Projects

hidden voices

Documenting Essential Voices/ Hear, Allá, Presente

This project tells stories from the immigrant community in Colorado. The project sent bilingual and heritage Spanish-speaking DU students into the community as interns and trained them to conduct and collect oral history narratives with Spanish-speaking residents from across Colorado in partnership with History Colorado.

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du wages

The DU Just Wages Project

Since 2013, Galemba has been training graduate students through her Qualitative Research Methods course and as research assistants to document and take action against wage theft and its disproportionate impact on Latino immigrant workers, such as day laborers. Nearly 100 DU students have participated by conducting ethnographic fieldwork and surveys at day labor hiring sites, interviewing employers, attorneys, and advocates, and engaging in labor rights outreach and activism alongside workers. This work is in partnership with Centro Humanitario para los Trabajadores.

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Music Across Borders: Bridging Latinx Communities in DU and Denver

The Music Across Borders project (MAB) hosted Mr. Ramón Gutiérrez Hernández, a prominent Son Jarocho musician from southern Veracruz, Mexico, as an initiative to connect DU students with the organization Su Teatro: Cultural and Performing Arts Center, providing an enriching learning experience inside and outside the classroom.

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Other Projects

Korbel Asylum Project

Due Process and the Dedicated Docket

  • Affiliates: Dr. Rebecca Galemba (Josef Korbel School) and Dr. Lisa Martinez (Sociology)
  • About: Collaboration with Colorado Asylum Center and Innovation Law Lab to document due process violations on the expedited dedicated docket for asylum seekers in Denver immigration court.

Climate and Migration in Guatemala and Honduras

  • Affiliates: Dr. Rebecca Galemba (Josef Korbel School), Dr. Michelle Moran-Taylor (Geography), Jesse Acevedo (Political Science), in addition to non-center DU investigators
  • About: Pilot fieldwork to assess the intersections between migration, climate, and local perceptions in diverse political ecological zones in Honduras and Guatemala

The Human Trafficking Center

  • Affiliate: Claude D’Estree (Josef Korbel School)
  • About: Since 2002, the Human Trafficking Center (HTC), previously housed in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, trained students in human trafficking law, advocacy, and research to provide policy-relevant analysis in collaboration with regional stakeholders and legislators.

Highlighted & Recent Faculty Publications


Outsourcing Control: The Politics of International Migration Cooperation by Katherine Tennis


From Coveralls to Zoot Suits: The Lives of Mexican American Women on the World War II Home Front by Elizabeth Escobedo


Laboring for Justice: The Fight Against Wage Theft in an American City

More Publications

  • Acevedo, Jesse and Covadonga Meseguer. 2022. “National identity and anti-immigrant sentiment: Experimental evidence from Mexico.” Migration Studies 10(4):608-630.
  • Cerón, Alejandro. “Neocolonial epidemiology: Public health practice and the right to health in Guatemala.” 2019. Medicine Anthropology Theory 6(1):30-54.
  • Jimenez, Carlos. 2019. “Antenna dilemmas: The rise of an indigenous-language low-power radio station in Southern California.” Journal of Radio & Audio Media 26(2):247-269.
  • Diaz McConnell, Eileen, and Lisa M. Martinez. 2022. Immigration Threat Amplifiers and Whites’ Immigration Attitudes in the Age of Trump.” Migration Letters 19(3):315-330.
  • Moran-Taylor, Michelle J., and Matthew J. Taylor. 2021. “International migration, environment, and climate change dynamics." Pp. 110-123 Handbook of Culture and Migration. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ortega, Debora M., Lisa Graybill, and Christopher N. Lasch. 2014. “Enacting and sustaining trauma and violence through policy enforcement: Family immigration detention.” Affilia 30(3):281-285.
  • Reznicek-Parrado, Lina M. 2020. “Peer-to-peer translanguaging academic spaces for belonging: the case of Spanish as a heritage language.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1-15.
  • Roncoroni, Julia, et al. 2022. “Latinx patients’ perceptions of culturally sensitive health care and their association with patient satisfaction, patient-provider communication, and therapeutic alliance.” Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 9:620-629.

Semillas Awardees


  • Carlos Jimenez Jr. *Media, Film, & Journalism) and Lina Reznicek-Parrado (Spanish) for Documenting Essential Voices for Social Justice
    • Partners: History Colorado, Casa de Paz, Latino Community Foundation, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC), Project Protect Food Systems Workers, Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association, and Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (Year 2)
  • Chen Reis and Oliver Kaplan. “From Clients to Partners: How can IRC Denver Better Meet the Needs of Refugees and Asylum-Seekers with Multiply-Marginalized Identities?”
    • Partner: International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  • Gwen Mitchell (GSPP) and Liz Jordan (Sturm College of Law). “Developing a Multidisciplinary Collective for Migrants in Immigration Proceedings.” Joint workshop training sessions for law students in the DU Immigration Law and Policy Clinic and psychology students in the Trauma and Disaster Recovery Clinic working in immigration proceedings. 
  • Monica Gutierrez (GSSW). “Mapeando mi Comunidad/Mapping my Community” collaboration with Valverde neighborhood.


  • City of Denver Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (DOIRA) in coordination with Dr. Rebecca Galemba (Josef Korbel School). “Does Language Justice Work?” to support development of a city language access program.
    • Led by DOIRA employee and DU alumnus, Claudia Castillo.
  • Carlos Jimenez Jr. (Media, Film, & Journalism) and Lina Reznicek-Parrado (Spanish) for Documenting Essential Voices for Social Justice. 
    • Partners: History Colorado, Casa de Paz, Latino Community Foundation, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC), Project Protect Food Systems Workers, Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association, and Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains  (Year 1)
  • Veronica Pacheco (IRISE postdoctoral fellow). “Music Across Borders: Bridging Latinx communities in DU and Denver” to bring son Jarocho workshops and music and art gatherings 
    • Partner: Su Teatro: Cultural and Performing Arts Center
  • Julia Roncoroni (Morgridge) and Deb Ortega (GSSW). “Impact of COVID-19 on Latinx Immigrants in Colorado” 
    • Partner: Latino Community Foundation of Colorado