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Memorial for Daniel L. Ritchie
Join us as we celebrate the remarkable life and legacy of Chancellor Emeritus Daniel L. Ritchie. The memorial will be held Thursday, February 13 at 10:30 a.m. MST at the University of Denver, Magness Arena and is open to all. Ritchie Center security protocols, parking information and more can be found on the DU website .
Graduate & Doctoral Students
Grant Application
We provide mentorship for Latinx faculty as well as professional editing services on work that aligns with our mission.
Learn more about opportunities to work with Latinx faculty
Research, Scholarship, and Creative Works Grant
Apply for funding to support your scholarship and creative works.
Contact: inclusion@du.edu
Graduate Student Assistantship
A student is picked every other year to work with Dr. Deb Ortega. If interested, email Deb Ortega.
Contact: debora.ortega@du.edu
Read More About Deb Ortega
Professor Martinez enjoys opportunities to engage with undergraduate and graduate students on research and community-engaged learning. This may include working in support of her research projects and/or her serving as an adviser/mentor on students' work.
Contact: lisa.martinez@du.edu
American Comparative Literature Association
For students interested in comparative ethnic and racial work, which Latinx studies asks us to do, primarily through literary study, the American Comparative Literature Association is a space where scholars are able to come together and discuss their academic work through seminar-style panels.
Visit: acla.org
Work Study Position
If you have a Work Study Award, you can apply to work with Latinx Center faculty. If you are interested, contact Dr. Deb Ortega.
Contact: inclusion@du.edu
Read More About Deb Ortega
Association of Latinx Social Work Educators
Get connected with a network of Latinx social work educators
Visit: allswe.com
DU Ethnography Lab
Get involved in interdisciplinary, community-engaged teaching and scholarship through the DU Ethnography Lab .
Contact: EthnographyLab@du.edu
The Denver Urban Debate League
The Denver Urban Debate League always needs college students and professionals who can coach high school debate teams or judge at high school debate tournaments. DUDL trains all volunteers.
Contact: jessicaclark@urbandebate.org
Artist Exhibition & Stipend
Artists who make games should make Rafael Fajardo aware of their work. We pay a modest stipend to the artists we exhibit.
Contact: rafael.fajardo@du.edu
Read More About Rafael Fajardo
Latinx in Gaming
Latinx In Gaming, increasing representation across the gaming industry. Get Involved.
Visit: latinxingaming.com
Latinx Games Festival
Latinx Gaming Festival is taking submissions for games, speakers, sponsors and influencers.
Visit: latinxgamesfestival.com
Professional and Discipline-Specific Organizations
Association of Latina/Latino Social Work Educators
Latino Social Workers Organization
DU Latinx Law Students Association