Professional Biography

Daniel Kim is a social justice organizer and advocate based in the Denver area.  He has served as the Director of Youth Organizing at Padres & Jóvenes Unidos, a grassroots educational justice & immigrant rights organization in Denver, where he led Padres’ landmark campaign to End the School-to-Jail Track, taking on the racist push-out and criminalization of youth of color in Colorado’s public schools and implementing restorative justice.  Daniel was trained as an organizer by the Labor/Community Strategy Center.  He has been a movement organizer for more than 18 years, organizing in schools and neighborhoods, on college campuses, and on the buses of Los Angeles to build the power of working-class communities of color to transform society. From 2002-2008 he was a faculty member of the English Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder.  He recently served as Chief of Staff for the Division of Student Equity & Opportunity in Denver Public Schools, one of the largest central administration divisions, which houses Special Education, Gifted & Talented Education, School Psychological and Social Work Services, and School Nursing Services.  He has two children in Denver Public Schools.
