The "I" in IRISE
Welcome and Working Definitions
Welcome to the new Blog for the Interdisciplinary Research Incubator for the Study of (In)Equality, or IRISE as we're affectionately known. IRISE is designed to provide opportunities and support for faculty and students at the University of Denver to engage in the development of cutting edge interdisciplinary research on issues of inequality, social justice, and inclusivity with a central focus on topics related to race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status and religion.
This Blog therefore serves as one platform by which to engage you and others around some of the core questions and issues vexing the researchers associated with IRISE. Key among such questions and issues is understanding the "I" in IRISE. As you no doubt noticed, the "I" refers not only to the words "interdisciplinary" and "incubator," but also to the consequence as well as meaning of failing to achieve "equality" in socially complex and diverse world. As President Barack Obama said in a speech in 2013, inequality is the "defining challenge of our time" and because of this, understanding and connecting the "I"s in IRISE can help us better comprehend how and in what ways we can meet those challenges today and tomorrow.
As an initial take, I want to provide some working definitions to all of these terms from which our conversation can start: